What's next? Keep Me Informed!

Support Biden, Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot by joining the 2020 Victory Text Team. You'll be asked to participate in a mandatory Zoom training, after which you'll have the tools necessary to connect with voters across the country.

About Joe Biden Campaign

Want to put your energy toward getting Trump out of office? Support the Biden-Harris ticket by working directly for the presidential campaign.

Testimonials (1)

"The Biden Campaign's text banking initiative is extremely thorough. After taking the training, they sent us some additional user guides to review, and after looking through those materials you'll be invited to join Slack, which is the platform that you text through. There are detailed step-by-step guides to help eliminate any confusion, and Biden Campaign staff can help out if needed. The texts, and subsequent replies, are prewritten for you and you just click on the one you want to send. It's amazing to see how far the technology takes you - you're able to contact thousands of voters in a single session!"

Karen, Sacramento, CA